Research Article

Pain Analysis in Patients with Pancreatic Carcinoma: Irreversible Electroporation versus Cryoablation

Table 1

Clinical characteristics, complications, drug requirements, and pain scores of patients in the two groups.


Number of patients2226
Number of lesions2227
Number of sessions2531
Age (years)
 Mean ± SD62.00 ± 9.7957.69 ± 12.86
 Male14 (63.64%)18 (69.23%)
 Female8 (36.36%)8 (30.77%)
ECOG performance status
 01 (4.55%)3 (11.54%)0.8510
 119 (86.36%)21 (80.77%)
 22 (9.09%)2 (7.69%)
Adjuvant therapy
 Yes13 (59.09%)17 (65.38%)
 No9 (40.91%)9 (34.62%)
Concurrent drug therapy
  Yes3 (13.64%)3 (11.54%)0.7676
  No19 (86.36%)23 (88.46%)
  Yes1 (4.55%)4 (15.37%)0.3569
  No21 (95.45%)22 (84.62%)
  Yes1 (4.55%)3 (11.54%)0.6142
  No21 (95.45%)23 (88.46%)
Lesion diameter (cm)
 Mean ± SD5.25 ± 2.294.98 ± 2.13
Clinical stage
 IIa1 (4.55%)2 (7.69%)0.9600
 IIb4 (18.18%)3 (11.54%)
 III14 (63.64%)17 (65.38%)
 IV3 (13.64%)4 (15.38%)
 Present3 (13.64%)2 (7.69%)0.6492
 Absent19 (86.36%)24 (92.31%)
Hydromorphone provided (mg)
 Mean ± SD3.89 ± 1.353.97 ± 1.60
Pain score
 Mean ± SD4.95 ± 1.944.85 ± 2.07

values calculated by Fisher’s exact test; values calculated by Chi-square test; and values calculated by Student’s -test.