Research Article

Myoinositol Attenuates the Cell Loss and Biochemical Changes Induced by Kainic Acid Status Epilepticus

Figure 7

The view of hippocampus subfields, where cell count was performed (a). Hippocampal CA1 (left) and CA3 (right) subfields of CON + SAL, KA + SAL, and KA + MI treated animals (b). Mean numbers of neurons in the CA1 (c) and CA3 (d) subfields of the hippocampus in three different groups of animals. (b) The photomicrographs demonstrate the obvious decrease of neuronal cells in CA1 (a) and CA3 (b) subfields of hippocampus as a result of KA + SAL treatment and partial rescue of the cells in KA + MI group. (c) and (d) Mean number of neurons (number of cell counts per counting frame area (250 × 250 μm2)) in the CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus. Error bars represent the standard errors of the means. In the CA1 subfield the mean number of cells in KA + SAL groups is significantly less as compared to CON + SAL group () as well as compared to KA + MI group (). The CON + SAL group also significantly exceeds the KA + MI group (). In the CA3 subfield of hippocampus the mean number of cells in CON + SAL is significantly higher as compared to KA + SAL as well as compared to KA + MI group (for both comparisons ). KA + MI group significantly exceeds the KA + SAL group (). Scale bar = 15.