Research Article

Air Pollutants, Climate, and the Prevalence of Pediatric Asthma in Urban Areas of China

Table 5

Multiple linear regression analysis of risk factors and asthma prevalence in children.

Model Unstandardized coefficientsStandardized coefficientsSig. Collinearity statistics
BStd. errorBetaToleranceVIF

Relative humidity−0.0360.028−0.291−1.2940.2040.3293.041
Hours of sunshine−0.0140.006−0.458−2.2560.0300.4022.489

Note. PM10: particulates with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm; SO2: sulfur dioxide; predictors: SO2, relative humidity, and hours of sunshine; dependent variable: asthma prevalence; = squared multiple correlation of with . = 0.303, = 5.573, and .