Research Article

Associations of Genetic Variants at Nongenic Susceptibility Loci with Breast Cancer Risk and Heterogeneity by Tumor Subtype in Southern Han Chinese Women

Table 1

Minor allele frequency distribution in different ethnic groups from HapMap and Southern Han Chinese women.

SNPPositionAllele (major/minor)Minor allele frequency distributionHWEP

rs13387042chr2: 217041109G/A9.0%11.6%11.6%56.2%76.1%0.30
rs981782chr5: 45285616T/G36.7%32.6%40.7%38.7%0.0%0.25
rs4415084chr5: 44662413T/C45.1%47.7%45.3%62.4%36.2%0.06
rs1562430chr8: rs1562430A/G17.9%16.3%15.1%35.3%49.1%0.57
rs13281615chr8: 127343372G/A40.0%44.4%38.9%54.2%56.7%<0.0001

HCB, Han Chinese in Beijing; JPT, Japanese in Tokyo; CEU, European descent from Utah; YRI, Yoruba individuals from Ibadan, Nigeria; HWEP, Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium value. According to the new human reference assembly (GRCh38.p2).