Research Article

The NLRP3 rs10754558 Polymorphism Is Associated with the Occurrence and Prognosis of Coronary Artery Disease in the Chinese Han Population

Table 4

Genotype frequencies of NLRP3 rs10754558 and CARD8 rs2043211 gene polymorphisms in CAD patients with and without MACE during follow-up.

Patients without MACEPatients with MACEAdjusted HR (95% CI)Log-rank P

NLRP3 rs10754558
CC113 (31.56%)32 (22.07%)1.000 (reference)
CG180 (50.28%)75 (51.72%)1.503 (0.990–2.282)0.056
GG 65 (18.16%)38 (26.21%)1.790 (1.107–2.893)0.017
Dominant model (CC versus CG + GG)1.585 (1.065–2.359)0.023
Recessive model (CC + CG versus GG)1.363 (0.934–1.989)0.108
C allele406 (56.70%)139 (47.93%)1.000 (reference)
G allele310 (43.30%)151 (52.07%)1.502 (1.182–1.909)0.001
HWE 0.2060.191
HWE P0.6500.662

CARD8 rs2043211
AA146 (40.78%)60 (41.38%)1.000 (reference)
AT168 (46.93%)68 (46.90%)1.193 (0.831–1.711)0.338
TT 44 (12.29%)17 (11.72%)0.850 (0.483–1.497)0.574
Dominant model (AA versus AT + TT)1.111 (0.786–1.571)0.551
Recessive model (AA + AT versus TT)1.044 (0.981–1.111)0.174
A allele460 (64.25%) 188 (64.83%)1.000 (reference)
T allele256 (35.75%) 102 (35.17%)0.992 (0.774–1.272)0.949
HWE 0.1650.117
HWE 0.6850.733

CAD: coronary artery disease; HR: hazard risk; MACE: major adverse cardiovascular event. HWE: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval.
The adjusted HR on the basis of risk factors such as age, sex, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and smoking.