Research Article

TNFα Affects Ciliary Beat Response to Increased Viscosity in Human Pediatric Airway Epithelium

Figure 1

TNFα incubation reduces the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) response after viscous loading. (a) Basal CBF in cultures treated with TNFα for 24 or 48 hours. No statistically differences between treatments were found. (b) Ciliated cell cultures were treated for 48 hours with TNFα (10 ng/mL) and subjected to western blot analyses for TNF-R1, TNF-R2, and β-actin. The quantification of the immunoreactive band expressed as ratio of β-actin band showed that the treatment with TNFα significantly increases the expression of TNF-R1 in airway ciliated cells. ; . Inset. The immunoreactive band of TNF-R1 increased in cultures treated with TNFα compared with control. HeLa cells were used as positive control. ((c) and (d)) Time course response of CBF changes, expressed as a percentage (%) of baseline CBF, in primary cultures of ciliated cells after 48 hours of treatment with TNFα (10 ng/mL) or control solution (Hank’s, 1 cP) before and after low viscous (10% dextran) (c) or high viscous (20% dextran) (d) loading. Graph represents the mean ± SEM for different treatments. significant differences between control and TNFα using test-t comparing each point of CBF (). corresponds to individual ciliated cell measure from three patient.