Research Article

Modification of the Sweetness and Stability of Sweet-Tasting Protein Monellin by Gene Mutation and Protein Engineering

Figure 2

SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified MNEI and its variants. (a) 1: molecular weight marker; 2: purified MNEI (single-chain monellin) protein; 3: P10A; 4: F11A; 5: T12A; 6: N14A; 7: L15A; 8: K17A; 9: F18A; 10: V20A; 11: D21A; 12: E22A. (b) 1: molecular weight marker; 2: crude cell extract of A19E; 3: the supernatant of crude cell extract of A19E; 4: E23A; 5: N24A; 6: I26A; 7: C41A.