Clinical Study

Comprehensive Evaluation of Personal, Clinical, and Radiation Dosimetric Parameters for Acute Skin Reaction during Whole Breast Radiotherapy

Table 1

Patient characteristics.

ParametersMedian (range) or  : 

Age (years)47 (28–70)
Laterality (right : left)67 : 58
Body mass index (kg/m2)23.4 (17.8–37.9)
T-stage (Tis, T0 : T2)91 : 34
N-stage (N0 : N1)106 : 19
Method of axillary dissection (no, SLND : ALND)89 : 36
Chemotherapy (no : yes)47 : 78
Hormonal therapy (no : yes)32 : 93
Time interval from surgery to radiotherapy (days) 111 (26–219)
Period of whole breast irradiation (days)36 (33–46)
Breast volume (mL)
 Planning target volume499 (179–1444)
351 (154–909)
708 (310–1732)
882 (401–2184)
1050 (494–2547)
1319 (653–2973)
Breast height (cm)3.4 (1.6–6.5)
Breast separation (cm)19.8 (15.1–26.7)
Calculated dose/prescribed dose (%)
 Axilla92.4 (71.2–99.3)
 Inferior fold95.8 (80.8–101.5)
 Inner half76.2 (51.9–89.1)
-field size (cm)17.5 (15.5–20.5)
Distance from distal humerus head to upper border (cm)1.3 (0–4.3)
Ratio of lateral to medial separation on upper border1.62 (1.06–2.31)

SLND: sentinel lymph node dissection; ALND: axillary lymph node dissection; : a covered volume by the % of prescribed dose.