Clinical Study

Efficiency Analysis of Direct Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in Elderly Patients with Blunt Traumatic Hemothorax without an Initial Thoracostomy

Table 1

Demographic analysis of elderly patients with blunt chest trauma ().

Mean age (yr.), SD 75.22, SD = 7.61
% males 64 (82.1%)
Mechanisms of injury
 Vehicle driver or passenger3
 Fall accident16
 Cyclist or pedestrian12
Anatomic injury score (AIS) of thoracic injury3.41, SD = 0.57
Associated injuries
 % head injury36 (46.2%)
 % abdominal injury14 (17.9%)
 % extremity injury55 (70.5%)
Multiple trauma64 (82.1%)
Median ISS 18.38, SD = 7.57
ICU length of stay (days)8.81, SD = 7.68
In-hospital length of stay (days)21.87, SD = 16.03
Expense (new Taiwan dollars, NTD)177,204.41, SD = 142,656.56
Mortality4 (5.1%)

ISS: injury severity score; VATS: video-assisted thoracoscopy.