Research Article

Novel Biomarker MicroRNAs for Subtyping of Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Bioinformatics Approach

Table 2

The identified miRNA biomarker candidates for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and unstable angina (UA).

miRNA IDNODTF (TFP)Pathways (percentage)miRNA IDNODTF (TFP)Pathways (percentage)

miR-1551856439 (0.21)16 (0.46)miR-1971513224 (0.16)2 (0.11)
miR-30e3563256 (0.16)5 (0.14)miR-125b1093020 (0.18)4 (0.22)
miR-983292462 (0.19)2 (0.06)miR-590-3p2551844 (0.17)2 (0.11)
miR-23b2111834 (0.16)5 (0.14)miR-221581632 (0.20)0
miR-2041981540 (0.20)10 (0.29)miR-2041981540 (0.20)2 (0.11)
miR-34a801415 (0.19)5 (0.14)miR-34a801415 (0.19)6 (0.33)
let-7g1991334 (0.17)24 (0.69)miR-486-3p1521323 (0.15)2 (0.11)
miR-576-3p1331323 (0.17)0let-7g1991334 (0.17)13 (0.72)
miR-34631135 (0.16)5 (0.14)miR-34631135 (0.16)4 (0.22)
miR-4542981343 (0.14)0miR-3402561137 (0.14)1 (0.06)
miR-532-3p1121218 (0.16)5 (0.14)miR-3402561137 (0.14)1 (0.06)
miR-145551111 (0.20)8 (0.23)miR-196b1651127 (0.16)5 (0.28)
miR-3402561137 (0.14)3 (0.09)miR-145551111 (0.20)3 (0.17)
miR-12634105 (0.15)29 (0.83)miR-324-3p841012 (0.14)1 (0.06)
miR-621651013 (0.20)9 (0.26)miR-12634105 (0.15)13 (0.72)
miR-142-3p87818 (0.21)3 (0.09)miR-106b376961 (0.16)1 (0.06)
miR-313478 (0.24)5 (0.14)miR-885-5p89914 (0.16)0
miR-600127723 (0.18)1 (0.03)miR-1324687 (0.15)0
miR-491-3p119621 (0.18)0miR-1780813 (0.16)5 (0.28)
miR-603149632 (0.21)2 (0.06)miR-59776812 (0.16)2 (0.11)
miR-93394668 (0.17)0miR-142-3p87818 (0.21)1 (0.06)
miR-93472512 (0.17)0miR-25260740 (0.15)0
miR-27a50515 (0.30)3 (0.09)miR-590-5p112723 (0.21)0
miR-548b-3p103518 (0.17)0miR-324-5p78718 (0.23)2 (0.11)
miR-10169418 (0.26)4 (0.11)miR-93394668 (0.17)0
miR-1282244 (0.18)0miR-618112617 (0.15)0
miR-9569410 (0.14)0

Notes. The miRNAs were ranked based on their NOD values. miRNA IDs in bold have been reported in published studies and those with underlines were shared by both AMI and UA.