Clinical Study

Minimally Invasive TLIF Using Unilateral Approach and Single Cage at Single Level in Patients over 65

Table 2


(i) Hypertension25 (51.02%)
(ii) Diabetes mellitus9 (18.37%)
(iii) Past history of myocardial infarction2 (4.08%)
(iv) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder1 (2.04%)
(v) Hypothyroidism1 (2.04%)
(vi) Prostate cancer1 (2.04%)
(vii) Past history of prostate cancer2 (4.08%)
(viii) Past history of colon cancer1 (2.04%)
(ix) Past history of thyroid cancer1 (2.04%)
(x) Past history of gastric cancer1 (2.04%)
(xi) Rheumatoid arthritis1 (2.04%)
(xii) Osteoarthritis1 (2.04%)
(xiii) Past history of cerebral infarction1 (2.04%)
(xiv) Bronchiectasis1 (2.04%)