Research Article

β-Catenin Expression Negatively Correlates with WIF1 and Predicts Poor Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cervical Cancer

Figure 3

Pleomorphic WIF1 staining appearances of CC cells with mitotic figures. The blue-stained (hematoxylin stain) nuclei and brown-stained (WIF1 stain) cytoplasm were characteristic. (a) CC cells in metaphase with small short rod-like nuclei and medium-sized cytoplasm were shown on the right while CC cells in telophase with mirror image were seen on the left. (b) CC cells in prophase with round nuclei and intermediate-sized cytoplasm (sunflower-like appearance) were shown. (c) CC cells in triploid mitotic figures with apparently lobulated nuclei and abundant brown-stained cytoplasm were shown. Magnification: ×400. Insets are magnified images from selected areas (small squares).