Research Article

Challenges of Longevity: Safety of Vaginal and Laparoscopic Urogynecological Procedures in Septuagenarians and Older Patients

Table 1

Patient’s characteristics.

Age group (y/o)<70≥70
Parameter[][] value

Age (y/o)55.60 ± 8.9475.41 ± 4.05[]
BMI (kg/m2)27.20 ± 4.7226.97 ± 4.05[]
ASA score[]
 I31 (11.2%)1 (0.8%)
 II215 (77.3%)78 (60.9%)
 III32 (11.5%)48 (37.5%)<0.0
 IV0 (0.0%)1 (0.8%)
Birth2 [1-2]2 [2-3][]
Vaginal delivery2 [1-2]2 [2-3][]
C-section0 [0-0]0 [0-0][]
Vac. extraction0 [0-0]0 [0-0][]
BW ≥ 4000 g0 [0-0]0 [0-0][]
BW ≥ 4500 g0 [0-0]0 [0-0][]
Multiparity (≥3)68 (24.5%)46 (36.8%)[]

Grade IV prolapse (Baden-Walker) for each compartment
 Anterior30 (15.6)34 (28.8)[]
 Middle11 (5.7)28 (23.7)[] 0.00
 Posterior7 (3.6)9 (7.6)[]

Data are presented as average ± standard deviation or median and [IQR].
Statistical test: = -test; = Mann–Whitney U test; = chi-squared test; = Fischer’s exact test.
Vac. extraction: vacuum extraction; BW: birth weight.