Review Article

Concomitant Thyroid Disorders and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Literature Review

Table 4

Characteristics of the patients with concomitant Crohn’s disease and Graves’ disease.

Case(Year)GenderAge at diagnosis of CD (years)Age at diagnosis of GD (years)CD prior to GDThyroid function testsRemarksReference
TSH (μU/mL)freeT3 (pg/mL)freeT4 (ng/dL)

→ normalization
2(2004)M19 or 2020+[32]
→ normalization
3(2005)F2238+0.017>20>12Familial GD[22]
→ normalizationCD → ileotomy

CD: Crohn’s disease; GD: Graves’ disease; F: female; M: male; Sim: simultaneous.
Japanese-language literature.