Research Article

Depression and HIV Risk Behaviors among Female Sex Workers in Guangdong, China: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Mean score of each item of GHQ-12 among female sex workers in Guangdong, China.

Non-depression Depression Total

Been able to concentrate on whatever you’re doing0.110.110.11
Lost much sleep over worry0.100.840.49
Felt you were playing a useful part in things0.090.090.09
Felt capable of making decisions about things0.060.090.08
Felt constantly under strain0.730.930.83
Felt you couldn’t overcome your difficulties0.870.960.91
Been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities0.020.060.04
Been able to face up to your problems0.060.060.06
Been feeling unhappy and depressed0.590.900.75
Been losing confidence in yourself0.860.960.91
Been thinking yourself as a worthless person0.850.960.91
Been feeling reasonable happy, all things considered0.220.190.20