Research Article

Linguistic Factors Influencing Speech Audiometric Assessment

Table 1

Inventory of the syntactic types of the test sentences.

SynStr# syllablesExamples

Topic Verb Subject11Over het algemeen ben jij nogal speels.
Generally (speaking) you are quite playful.
12Tegen de avond zou het kunnen regenen.
By tonight it might be raining.

Passive11Deze acteur wordt door de pers geprezen.
This actor is praised by the press.
12Toetsen worden door de ouders ondertekend.
Written tests shall be signed by the parents

Coordination11Hij gaat naar het zwembad en zij naar de stad.
He is going to the swimming pool and she (is going) into town
12We vonden het erg leuk en bleven dus langer.
We liked it very much and therefore stayed longer

Subordination11Hij dacht niet dat jij die tafel zou kopen.
He didn’t think that you would buy that table
12Ze had geluk dat die windhoos haar net mistte.
She was lucky that the tornado just missed her.

Subject Relatives11De meubels die in de schuur staan, mogen weg.
The furniture that is in the barn can be thrown away.
12De schilder die zonet hier was, is nu weg.
The painter who was just here, has left now.

Object Relatives11Ze kent geen burger die altijd zijn plicht doet.
She doesn’t know a citizen who always does his duty.
12De fles die op tafel stond, gooide hij omver.
He threw away the bottle that was on the table.