Research Article

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Two Different -Values in Detection of Solid Focal Liver Lesions

Table 1

Parameters of three evaluation MR sequences.


Acquisition modeRespiratory-triggeredBreath-holdRespiratory-triggered
Repetition time (TR)2-3 respiratory cycles2400 ms2-3 respiratory cycles
Echo time (TE)MinimumMinimum80 ± 10 ms
-value (s/mm2)0 and 6000 and 100/
Section thickness (mm)666
Intersection gap (mm)
Field of view (mm)320–380320–380320–380
Rectangle FOV90%–100%90%–100%75%
Matrix128 × 128128 × 128224 × 320
Number of signal averages422
Parallel acceleration factor22/
Echo train length6464<20
Acquisition time 2-3 min19 s3–5 min

DWI600: diffusion-weighted imaging with -value of 0, 600 sec/mm2; DWI100: diffusion-weighted imaging with -value of 0, 100 sec/mm2; T2WI: T2-weighted imaging.