Research Article

Triflumuron Effects on the Physiology and Reproduction of Rhodnius prolixus Adult Females

Table 4

Evaluation of the effect of Rhodnius prolixus continuous contact with TFM impregnated surface on adult female mortality and reproduction. Petri dishes were prepared by applying Starycide to obtain final concentrations of 0.1–10 μL/cm2 at the bottom of each plate. Controls received no Starycide. Insects were then fully engorged on defibrinated rabbit blood and placed inside the Petri dishes. Superscript letters show differences between treated and control insects: ; ; (unpaired -test). Values are means ± SD of at least three experiments with 10 insects each.

GroupsMortality inOviposition, number of eggs per femaleEgg hatching, treated females (%)
1 day after treatment (%)30 days after treatment (%)

Control6 ± 316 ± 159 ± 270 ± 20
0.1 μL/cm236 ± 886 ± 843 ± 560 ± 10
0.5 μL/cm240 ± 890 ± 636 ± 518 ± 3
1 μL/cm240 ± 1093 ± 820 ± 49 ± 3
10 μL/cm263 ± 696 ± 317 ± 13.6 ± 0.3