Research Article

Prognosis Risk of Urosepsis in Critical Care Medicine: A Prospective Observational Study

Table 2

Univariate and multivariate logistic analysis for evaluating the prognosis for sepsis.

SurvivingDeadUnivariate analysis Multivariate analysis
( value)OR95% CI value

Type of sepsis (percentage of urosepsis, %)41.5% (34/82)6.7% (2/30)<0.0010.0190.001, 0.3350.007
Age (year)46.66 ± 15.5869.60 ± 15.33<0.0011.0240.959, 1.0190.483
Gender (male/female)45/3717/130.870
Combination disease ()1.41 ± 1.453.33 ± 0.76<0.0011.2980.485, 3.4790.604
Positive blood cultures (%)40.2%56.7%0.122
APACHE II score19.21 ± 5.1227.47 ± 4.01<0.0011.1310.871, 1.4690.354
SOFA score4.61 ± 1.737.30 ± 1.97<0.0011.8961.012, 3.5540.046
Time before being sent to ICU (hours)7.04 ± 4.8210.13 ± 5.65<0.0010.9630.823, 1.1260.634