Research Article

A New Neurocognitive Interpretation of Shoulder Position Sense during Reaching: Unexpected Competence in the Measurement of Extracorporeal Space

Table 2

Description of RGAP (mean ± SD and median with min–max) in the two groups stratifying by tests (Test 1 and Test 2 in active and passive modality) and overall (all tests).

Tests and modalityRGAP HGRGAP IGTest to compare
HG versus IG

All tests
 Reaching forward + reaching back4500,620,570,50–3,394501,010,70,920–3,44<0,001b
 Reaching forward2250,290,220,280,02–1,30<0,001 2250,460,30,490–1,62<0,001 <0,001b

Reaching forward +
reaching back
 Test 11500,470,340,280–1,33 0,3521500,750,650,480–3,44 0,5050,01b
 Test 2 passive1500,380,290,230–1,221500,660,450,330,11–1,83<0,001b
 Test 2 active1500,50,660,190,03–3,391500,790,680,350–2,780,033c

reaching forward
 Test 1750,40,320,280,02–1,3<0,001 750,590,380,470,03–1,620,016 0,055c
 Test 2 passive750,270,130,230–1,33750,40,240,330,16–0,950,022b
 Test 2 active750,190,10,190–0,39750,370,230,350–0,760,001b

reaching back
 Test 1750,550,350,50,0–1,3 0,095750,910,820,610–3,44 0,2240,055b
 Test 2 passive750,490,360,440–1,22750,910,470,880,11–1,830,001c
 Test 2 active750,80,820,560,06–3,39751,20,731,170,06–2,780,075c

The RGAP reported the relative error computed considering the difference between the measure requested and the measure done by the patients on measure requested.
t-student for paired samples.
-student for independent sample with equal variances assumed.
The mean and the median GAP are computed relativizing the absolute value (=the absolute number value) of the gap value of the measure requested.
value of MANOVA test.
value for two independent samples; the specific test is reported in the last column.
: number of measurements tested.