Research Article

Synergistic Effects of Six Chronic Disease Pairs on Decreased Physical Activity: The SMILE Cohort Study

Table 2

Inclusion/exclusion of chronic disease pairs based on the prevalence of each chronic disease pair in 3386 participants.

= excluded < 10
= 52 included disease pairs
Chronic respiratory disease Cardiovascular disease Severe bowel disease Liver disease Severe kidney disease Diabetes mellitusCancerEpilepsyMigraine Neurological disorders and stroke Inflammatory joint disease Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis of knees, hips, and hands Severe back problems

Cardiovascular disease47
Severe bowel disease 106
Liver disease 330
Severe kidney disease 10611
Diabetes mellitus 4037546
Cancer 121542611
Epilepsy 5300043
Migraine 15141222493
Neurological disorders and stroke 10143007225
Inflammatory joint disease 40401588331132212
Rheumatoid arthritis 2419633135111873
Osteoarthritis of knees, hips, and hands 1148630202073199612019487
Severe back problems 8264256635128471410954259
Persistent injury due to an accident 181832212311421775342