Research Article

Exploration of the Dietary and Lifestyle Behaviors and Weight Status and Their Self-Perceptions among Health Sciences University Students in North Lebanon

Table 5

Association between overweight/obesity and sociodemographic, dietary, and lifestyle behaviors among university students.

Sig.OR95% CI

Obesity of one parent

Do you drink coffee or tea directly after meals?


Number of snacks
 More than three−0.0480.9380.9530.2813.236

Current appetite status compared to preuniversity life

Cravings for high fat/sugar foods
 2–4 times/month0.4540.2761.5740.6963.557
 2-3 times/week1.1160.0123.0541.2827.272
 4 times/week0.6720.2191.9580.6715.713

Exams related stressful eating

Comfort eating

Regular breakfast intake

PA level based on MET values

Total food score−0.0530.0101.0551.0131.099

Statistically significant at ≤ 0.05.