Clinical Study

Video Nasoendoscopic-Assisted Transoral Adenoidectomy with the PEAK PlasmaBlade: A Preliminary Report of a Case Series

Figure 2

Sequential intraoperative steps of nasoendoscopic adenoidectomy using the transoral PlasmaBlade from Case . (a) Display of adenoid before surgery via the right nasal passage. (b) Endoscopic view via the left nasal passage. (c) The PlasmaBlade reaches the upper border of the choana. (d) Removal of the central bulk of the adenoid. (e) Reduction of peritubal and retrotubal adenoid tissues. (f) Postoperative view via the left nasal passage. A = adenoid; I = inferior turbinate; R = roof of nasopharynx; TT = torus tubarius; V = vomer.