Research Article

Socioeconomic Status, Frailty, and All-Cause Mortality in Korean Older Adults: A 3-Year Population-Based Prospective Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of study participants.

Measured parametersTotal
( = 7,960)
( = 3,440)
( = 4,520)

Age (years)<0.001
BMI (kg/m2)<0.001
Household income (10,000 won)<0.001
Education, (%)<0.001
 Uneducated2,138 (30.9)391 (13.1)1,747 (44.4)
 Elementary school2,604 (37.6)1,107 (36.9)1,497 (38.1)
 Middle-to-high school1,678 (24.2)1,092 (36.4)586 (14.9)
 College or higher508 (7.3)406 (13.6)103 (2.6)
Frequency of weekly alcohol intake, (%)<0.001
 <15,173 (74.7)1,640 (54.8)3,533 (89.8)
 1-21,196 (17.3)859 (28.7)337 (8.6)
 ≥3559 (8.1)496 (16.6)63 (1.6)
Past/current smokers, (%)2,360 (34.1)2,073 (69.2)287 (7.3)<0.001
Nutritional status (score)<0.001
Number of comorbidities<0.001
Number of medications<0.001
K-IADL (score)<0.001
MMSE-KC (score)<0.001
Fall experience, (%)1,055 (15.2)333 (11.1)722 (18.4)<0.001
Frailty, (%)<0.001
 Nonfrailty6407 (92.6)2,800 (93.8)3,607 (91.7)
 Frailty512 (7.4)187 (6.2)325 (8.3)

BMI: body mass index, K-IADL: Korean version of instrumental activities of daily living, MMSE-KC: Mini-Mental State Examination in Korean of the CERAD assessment packet.