Research Article

Antiurolithiasis Activity of Bioactivity Guided Fraction of Bergenia ligulata against Ethylene Glycol Induced Renal Calculi in Rat

Table 4

Effect of B. ligulata on various urolithiasis factors in kidney homogenate of ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in Wistar rats.

GroupKidney homogenate parameter (mg/100 mg kidney weight)
CalciumOxalatePhosphateUric acid

Normal control3.3 ± 0.111.6 ± 0.092.5 ± 0.112.1 ± 0.11
Urolithiatic control
Mother extract4.1 ± 0.13###1.8 ± 0.07#2.8 ± 0.11##2.6 ± 0.08##
DCM fraction3.8 ± 0.12###1.7 ± 0.06##2.4 ± 0.04###2.4 ± 0.07###
Neeri3.5 ± 0.14###1.5 ± 0.08###2.2 ± 0.07##2.3 ± 0.06###

Data are expressed as mean ± SEM of 6 rats (); , , , and ; denotes that data were compared with normal control and # denotes that data were with urolithiatic control . .