Research Article

Gender Differences in the Progression of Experimental Chronic Kidney Disease Induced by Chronic Nitric Oxide Inhibition

Figure 2

Representative micrographs of glomerulosclerosis (a) and collapsed glomeruli (b) accessed by PAS staining in groups Control and NAME, male and female. Male NAME rats developed a marked degree of glomerulosclerosis, whereas female NAME rats exhibited a protection of this renal damage feature (a). Glomerular ischemia, represented by the presence of collapsed glomeruli, was also observed in NAME rats, with a higher degree in male than in female animals (b). Accordingly, bar graph representation of percentage of glomerulosclerosis (c) and glomerular ischemia (d) in groups Control and NAME showed that female NAME rats presented renoprotection compared to male NAME animals ( versus Control ♂, versus Control ♀, versus NAME ♂). The number of animals studied per group was, respectively, Control ♂: ; Control ♀: ; NAME ♂: ; NAME ♀: .