Research Article

Automated Image Analysis of HER2 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization to Refine Definitions of Genetic Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Tissue

Figure 2

Rotated factor pattern of the indicators obtained by the manual and automated HER2 FISH procedure; . The loadings of (a) factors 1 and 2, (b) factors 1 and 3, and the factor scores (c, d, e) are plotted. Factor 1, amplification; factor 2, polysomy; factor 3, bimodality. Cell_Amp_%_M: percentage of amplified cells detected by manual procedure, calculated from HER2/CEP17 ratio. Cell_Amp_%_A: percentage of amplified cells detected by automated procedure, calculated from HER2/CEP17 ratio. HER2_A, HER2_M - HER2 copy number detected by automated and manual procedures, respectively. CEP17_A, CEP17_M - CEP17 copy number detected by automated and manual procedures, respectively. Ratio_A, Ratio_M - HER2/CEP17 ratio detected by automated and manual procedures, respectively. AshD_Ratio, AshD_HER2, and AshD_CEP17: Ashman’s D indicator calculated for HER2/CEP17, HER2, and CEP17 automated data. BIndex_HER2, BIndex_CEP17, and BIndex_Ratio: bimodality indices calculated for HER2, CEP17, and HER2/CEP17 automated data.