Clinical Study

Modified Transseptal Puncture Technique in Challenging Septa: A Randomized Comparison to Conventional Technique

Table 2

Procedural outcomes of transseptal puncture.

MOSQ-TSP ()CONV-TSP () value

Failure to cross at first site, (%)34 (100)34 (100)NS
Successful LA access, (%)34 (100)25 (73.5)<0.002
Final LA access, (%)34 (100)34 (100)NS
Median time from FTC to final LA access, seconds (range)72 s
(37 s–384 s)
326 s
(75 s–1936 s)
DAP from FTC to final LA access, mGy/cm2<0.002
Median of additional needle punctures02 (1 to 3)<0.002

FTC, failure to cross the septum at the first attempt of puncture; LA, left atrium; DAP, dose-area product, NS, nonsignificant.