Research Article

Management of Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients with Negative Initial Digital Subtraction Angiogram Findings: Conservative or Aggressive?

Table 3

Clinical characteristics of hydrocephalus patients in NASAH group.

No hydrocephalus ()Hydrocephalus ()

Age56.4 ± 10.052.9 ± 13.30.147
Gender (female)57 (46.3%)4 (28.6)0.205
Smoker16 (13.0%)2 (14.3%)0.893
Alcohol abuse18 (14.6%)3 (21.4%)0.504
Hypertension26 (21.1%)4 (28.6%)0.524
Diabetes5 (4.1%)2 (14.3%)0.100
Clinical grade
GCS < 130 (0%)4 (28.6%)<0.001
Modified Fisher Scale > 156 (45.5%)11 (78.6%)<0.001
Bleed Pattern
PMN-SAH79 (63.4%)3 (21.4%)0.002
nPMN-SAH44 (35.8%)11 (78.6%)
Anterior circulation96 (78.0%)12 (85.7%)0.506
Posterior circulation27 (21.9%)2 (14.3%)
Intraventricular hemorrhage8 (6.5%)10 (71.4%)<0.001
Cortical hemorrhage22 (17.9%)3 (21.4%)0.745

EVD: external ventricular drain, GCS: Glasgow coma scale.
Anterior circulation was characterized by blood mainly locating at anterior of the brain.
Posterior circulation was characterized by blood mainly locating at posterior of the brain.