Research Article

Protective Effects of Pyridoxamine Supplementation in the Early Stages of Diet-Induced Kidney Dysfunction

Figure 5

Effects of HD and pyridoxamine administration on kidney NF-kB pathway activation. Total protein expressions of IKK (a) and IkBα (b) and their related phosphorylated forms and NF-kB p65 subunit translocation in the nucleus (c) were analyzed by western blot on kidney homogenates obtained from mice exposed to SD or HD, with or without pyridoxamine administration (150 mg/kg/day). Protein expression is measured as relative optical density (OD), corrected for the corresponding tubulin or histone H3 contents and normalized to the SD band. Results are shown as phosphorylated/total protein ratio (a and b) or as nucleus/cytosol protein ratio (c). The data are means ± SEM of three separate experiments, five animals per group. versus SD; versus HD.