Research Article

Amplitude, Latency, and Peak Velocity in Accommodation and Disaccommodation Dynamics

Table 1

Post hoc statistical analysis of the parameters analyzed for accommodation. A bold value means that statistical differences were found between the results yielded by that pair of methodologies. CI: confidence interval; amp: amplitude; lat: latency; pV: peak velocity. 1 refers to the exponential fitting; 2 refers to the sigmoid fitting; 3 refers to the smoothing.

AccommodationMean of the differencesLower limit 95% CIUpper limit 95% CI value

amp1-amp2 (D)0.122−0.2530.4970.705
amp1-amp3 (D)0.185−0.1900.5600.457
amp2-amp3 (D)0.062−0.3130.4370.913
lat1-lat2 (s)0.112−0.0720.2980.304
lat1-lat3 (s)0.097−0.0880.2810.414
lat2-lat3 (s)−0.016−0.2010.1680.974
pV1-pV2 (D/s)1.697−0.0993.4940.067
pV1-pV3 (D/s)2.3620.5664.1590.008
pV2-pV3 (D/s)0.665−1.1322.4610.639