Research Article

Prospective Validation of the Decalogue, a Set of Doctor-Patient Communication Recommendations to Improve Patient Illness Experience and Mood States within a Hospital Cardiologic Ambulatory Setting

Table 1

Comparison of general characteristics between the two study groups. CAD = coronary artery disease.

Decalogue group
Control group

Age (years)67.5 ± 15.970.6 ± 13.50.22
Female gender ()46 (46.0%)19 (38.8%)0.51
Education level ()0.74
 Elementary school27 (27.8%)15 (31.3%)
 Middle school30 (30.9%)13 (27.1%)
 High school29 (29.9%)12 (25.0%)
 Degree11 (11.3%)8 (16.7%)
Socioeconomic status ()0.81
 Low71 (73.2%)33 (68.8%)
 Intermediate16 (16.5%)10 (20.8%)
 High10 (10.3%)5 (10.4%)
Main reason for referral ()0.88
 CAD37 (38.0%)15 (31.3%)
 Heart failure30 (28.0%)17 (35.4%)
 Arrhythmias17 (18.0%)7 (14.6%)
 Hypertension7 (7.0%)5 (10.4%)
 Other9 (9.0%)4 (8.3%)
Number of medications in current therapy ()5 [3–7]5 [4–7]0.56
Number of daily medication assumptions ()6 [3–9]6 [4–9]0.67
Depression ()7 (7.0%)1 (2.3%)0.28

Percentages calculated on a total sample of 97 patients in the Decalogue group, due to missing data in 3 subjects.