Research Article

Assessing Cognitive Estimation and Its Effects on Community Integration in People with Acquired Brain Injury Undergoing Rehabilitation

Table 5

Hierarchical multiple regression of severity of disability, RBANS total score, MSET, TMT-B, semantic fluency, and BCET onto community integration.

Step 95% CI

(1) Severity of disability (MPAI-4).028−.2071.910.06−.14 to −.04
(2) RBANS total score.136.2452.290.020.12 to .16
(3) MSET.133.0500.410.68−0.65 to 0.98
(4) Semantic fluency.123−.0410.030.97−0.23 to 0.22
(5) TMT-B.125.1040.920.35−1.55 to −4.26
(6) B-CET.160.2462.160.030.30 to 0.69

MPAI-4 = Mayo Portland Adaptability Index; RBANS = Repeatable Battery for Assessment of Neuropsychological Status; MSET = Modified Six Elements Test; TMT-B = Trail-Making Test form B; BCET = Biber Cognitive Estimation Test.