Review Article

Nanomedicine for Inner Ear Diseases: A Review of Recent In Vivo Studies

Table 4

Studies attempting to deliver genes to the inner ear using nanoparticles.

NanoparticleSize of nanoparticleAnimalAdministration routeLoaded drug or geneEvaluation timeEvaluation of nanoparticle uptake

PHEA NP [16]103.1 nmC57/BL6 miceIntratympanicGFP plasmid DNA and fluorescent dyeAt 48 hConfocal microscope

Dendrimer-based NP [33]132 ± 20 nmSprague Dawley ratsIntratympanicAtoh1-EGFP plasmidAt 7 daysConfocal microscope, RT-PCR, and Western blot

NP: nanoparticle; PHEA: poly(2-hydroxyethyl L-aspartamide).