Research Article

Differentiation of the Follicular Neoplasm on the Gray-Scale US by Image Selection Subsampling along with the Marginal Outline Using Convolutional Neural Network

Table 5

Training structure of the convolutional neural net (5-conv, 2-pool, 2-fully-conn structure).


Conv.(3 × 3) × 16ReLu
Conv.(3 × 3) × 256ReLu
Max-Poolingkernel size: (2 × 2)Strides: 2
Conv.(3 × 3) × 512ReLu
Conv.(3 × 3) × 2048ReLu
Conv.(3 × 3) × 4096ReLu
Max-Poolingkernel size: (2 × 2)Strides: 2
Fully-Conn.256ReLu(Dropout rate: 50%)
Fully-Conn.SoftmaxOutput units: 2