Research Article

Heterogeneity of Necrotic Changes between Cortical and Cancellous Bone in Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis: A Histopathological Analysis of Resection Margin after Segmental Mandibulectomy

Figure 2

Empty lacunae were frequently found in normal viable cortical bone. (a) Nonirradiated cortical bone specimen. Lack of osteocyte nuclei was found despite presence of viable blood vessels in Haversian canals. (b) Nonirradiated viable cortical bone evident with osteocyte nuclei within lacunae and blood vessels in Haversian canals. (c and d) Irradiated cortical bone obtained from a patient who underwent segmental mandibulectomy for advanced ORN. (c) Viable cortical bone evident with osteocyte nuclei within lacunae and blood vessels in Haversian canals. (d) Necrotic bone evident with no viable blood vessels within Haversian canals.