Research Article

Colonic Transit Time and Gut Peptides in Adult Patients with Slow and Normal Colonic Transit Constipation

Table 1

CSS system code and Constipaq code.

C stool frequency (number of defecations)
(0) >2 per week
(1) 2 per week
(2) 1 per week
(3) <1 per week
(4) <1 per month
N incomplete defecation
(0) Never
(1) <1 per month
(2) 1–4 per month
(3) 1-2 per week
(4) >2 per week
T time spent in toilet (minutes)
(0) <5
(1) 5–10
(2) 10–20
(3) 20–30
(4) >30
A unfruitful attempts (numbers)
(0) Never
(1) 1–3 per day
(2) 4–6 per day
(3) 7–9 per day
(4) >9 per day
O obstruction, pain, straining
(0) Never
(1) <1 per month
(2) 1–4 per month
(3) 1-2 per week
(4) >2 per week
S abdominal discomfort, pain, bloating
(0) Never
(1) <1 per month
(2) 1–4 per month
(3) 1-2 per week
(4) >2 per week
I-P helping in defecation
(0) <1 per week
(1) Laxatives, suppositories () > 1 per week
(2) Enema, digitation () > 1 per week
Q duration of constipation (year)
(0) <1
(1) 1–5
(2) 6–10
(3) 11–20
(4) >20

Constipaq = CCS (0–30) + number of capital letters (0–9) + QoL (0–3) ×  .