Research Article

Efficacy of Blood Sources and Artificial Blood Feeding Methods in Rearing of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) for Sterile Insect Technique and Incompatible Insect Technique Approaches in Sri Lanka

Table 1

Mean number of female mosquitoes that fed from different feeding methods, blood feeding rate along with the results of General Linear Modelling (number of replicates [] = 5).

Feeding techniqueNumber of femalesNumber of blood fedBlood feeding rate (%)

Metal plate300296 ± 2.33​
98.67 ± 0.77
Hemotek membrane feeding method300271 ± 2.33​
90.33 ± 0.77
Glass plate300251 ± 5.29​
83.67 ± 1.76

Note. Values are mean ± SE, range in parenthesis. Different superscript letters in a column show significant differences () as suggested by General Linear Modelling followed by Tukey’s HSD (Honest Significant Difference) at 95% level of significance.