Clinical Study

Prevalence of Prostatitis-Like Symptoms and Outcomes of NIH-CPSI in Outpatients with Lifelong and Acquired PE: Based on a Large Cross-Sectional Study in China

Table 2

Outcomes of PLS and NIH-CPSI in men with LPE/APE.

ALL ()PE group () No PE group () valueLPE ()APE value

Mild (4–7)134 (16.34%)102 (20.48%)32 (9.94%)23 (16.20%)79 (22.19%)
Moderate or severe (≥8)91 (11.10%)80 (16.06%)11 (3.42%)18 (12.68%)62 (17.42%)
NIH-CPSI, scores
Total scores<0.001<0.001
Pain symptoms<0.001<0.001
Urinary symptoms<0.001<0.001
Quality of life impact<0.001<0.001
NIH-CPSI, scores<0.001<0.001
Mild (0–14)622 (75.85%)314 (63.05%)308 (95.65%)98 (69.01%)216 (60.67%)
Moderate (15–30)142 (17.32%)128 (25.70%)14 (4.35%)32 (22.54%)96 (26.97%)
Severe (31–43)56 (6.83%)56 (11.24%)0 (0.00%)12 (8.45%)44 (12.36%)

PE = premature ejaculation; LPE = lifelong PE; APE = acquired PE; PLS = prostatitis-like symptoms; NIH-CPSI = National Institute of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symptoms Index. Differences between PE and no PE groups were assessed by -test. Differences between LPE and APE were assessed by -test.