Research Article

Real World Evidence: A Quantitative and Qualitative Glance at Participant Feedback from a Free-Response Survey Investigating Experiences of a Structured Exercise Intervention for Men with Prostate Cancer

Table 2

Description of the final sample of PCa patients on the exercise programme who were contactable and agreed to a phone interview. All values are baseline (preexercise programme).

TotalLocalised diseaseAdvanced disease

 Mean (SD)63.63 (9.24)59.2 (8.38)67.9 (8.15)
Initial PSA
 Mean (SD)138.15 (509.74)10.7 (14.03)265.6 (706.37)
Initial Gleason score
 610 (24.39%)9 (45%)1 (4.76%)
 718 (43.9%)10 (50%)8 (38.1%)
 85 (12.2%)1 (5%)4 (19.05%)
 97 (17.07%)07 (33.33%)
 101 (2.44%)01 (4.76%)
Current/most recent treatment
 Active surveillance2 (4.88%)2 (10%)0
 ADT10 (24.39%)010 (47.62%)
 Brachytherapy1 (2.44%)01 (4.76%)
 Chemotherapy5 (12.2%)05 (23.81%)
 Radiotherapy3 (7.32%)1 (5%)2 (9.52%)
 RALRP16 (39.02%)13 (65%)3 (14.29%)
 Awaiting RALRP3 (7.32%)3 (15%)0
 TURP1 (2.44%)1 (5%)0
 White/Caucasian35 (85.4%)16 (80%)19 (90.5%)
 Black/Afro-Caribbean3 (7.3%)2 (10%)1 (4.8%)
 Asian1 (2.4%)01 (4.8%)
 Other2 (4.9%)2 (10%)0
Marital status
 Married28 (68.3%)15 (75%)13 (61.9%)
 Divorced/separated6 (14.6%)1 (5%)5 (23.8%)
 Widowed3 (7.3%)1 (5%)2 (9.5%)
 Never married4 (9.8%)3 (15%)1 (4.8%)
Current living circumstances
 Alone6 (14.6%)4 (20%)2 (9.5%)
 With partner32 (78%)16 (80%)16 (76.2%)
 With other family2 (4.9%)02 (9.5%)
 Other1 (2.4%)01 (4.8%)
Current work circumstances
 Full-time10 (24.4%)8 (40%)2 (9.5%)
 Part-time5 (12.2%)2 (10%)3 (14.3%)
 Retired24 (58.5%)9 (45%)15 (71.4%)
 Unemployed1 (2.4%)1 (5%)0
 (Missing data)1 (2.4%)01 (4.8%)
>150 mins of moderate exercise per week
 Yes35 (85.4%)14 (70%)21 (100%)
 No6 (14.6%)6 (30%)0
Approx. sedentary minutes per week
 Mean (SD)1459 (1190)1175 (1220)1729 (1123)