Research Article

Nonpaternity and Half-Siblingships as Objective Measures of Extramarital Sex: Mathematical Modeling and Simulations

Figure 3

Nonpaternity as a measure of historical variation in extramarital sex. ((a) and (b)) Two different scenarios for the historical variation in the rate of extramarital sex partnering. ((c) and (d)) Historical variation of the extramarital partnership ratio () in both scenarios. ((e) and (f)) The age-specific nonpaternity ratio () in both scenarios. ((g) and (h)) Ten-year moving average of the historical variation in the extramarital partnership ratio () in both scenarios. ((i) and (j)) Ten-year moving average of the age-specific nonpaternity ratio () in both scenarios. Gray lines in panels (c)–(j) show sample paths of each simulation run. Black lines in panels (c)–(f) show the means over the 100 simulation runs.