Research Article

Nonpaternity and Half-Siblingships as Objective Measures of Extramarital Sex: Mathematical Modeling and Simulations

Table 1

Key model assumptions in terms of parameter values.


Marriage rate0.12 per yearEstimated from Kenya’s 2008-2009 DHS data [27]

Mean duration of martial partnership20 yearsRepresentative value informed by Kenya’s 2008-2009 DHS data [27]

Mean duration of nonmarital (casual) sexual partnership6 monthsRepresentative value

Gestation period[28]
 Mean267 days
 Standard deviation10 days

Number of premarital sex partnerships among unmarried women over the last yearEstimated from Kenya’s 2008-2009 DHS data [27]. Range is estimated based on DHS data for 20 Sub-Saharan African countries [8]
 Mean0.32 and a range of 0.0–1.0
 Variance0.0087 and a range of 0.0–2.0

Number of extramarital sex partnerships among married women over the last yearEstimated from Kenya’s 2008-2009 DHS data [27]. Range is estimated based on DHS data for 20 Sub-Saharan African countries [8]
 Mean0.0088 and a range of 0.0–0.5
 Variance0.0 with a range of 0.0–1.0

Fraction of coital acts that are with the spouse as opposed to an extramarital partner0.7 and a range of 0.1–0.9Representative but variable by objective of each specific analysis

Partnership-specific condom use coverageEstimated from Kenya’s 2008-2009 DHS data [27]
 Unmarried women0.23
 Marital sex among married women0.019
 Extramarital sex among married women0.074

Efficacy of condoms in preventing conceptionEff0.90[29]

DHS: Demographic and Health Survey.