Research Article

Suspected Fetal Growth Restriction at 37 Weeks: A Comparison of Doppler and Placental Pathology

Table 5

Occurrence of individual placental abnormality by Doppler cohort in suspected FGR.

ā€‰Abnormal DopplerNormal Doppler

Placental weight < 5th percentile2218
Placental configuration abnormality48
Cord problem1210
Intervillous thrombus > 5%10
Increased pervillous fibrin74
Subchorionic thrombus excessive21
Increased syncytial knots13
Villous agglutination32
Distal villous hypoplasia01
Decidual atherosis20
Hypertrophy membrane arterioles01
Muscularization of basal plate arteries20
Avascular terminal villi01
Large villus intimal fibrin cushion01

FGR = fetal growth restriction.
includes succenturiate lobe, circummarginate, or circumvallate membrane insertion.
includes thin cord, marginal or velamentous insertion, and single umbilical artery.