Research Article

Former Very Preterm Infants Show Alterations in Thyroid Function at a Preschool Age

Table 2

Logistic regression analysis of thyroid hormone levels in children born very preterm in comparison to same-aged controls born at term.

Outcome variable and analysis model coefficient valueOR (95% CI)

 Unadjusted0.4150.0621.51 (0.98; 2.34)
 Model A0.4790.0441.62 (1.01; 2.58)
 Model B0.5770.0211.78 (1.09; 2.90)
 Model C0.6780.0151.97 (1.14; 3.39)
 Unadjusted−0.5930.0140.55 (0.35; 0.89)
 Model A−0.5030.0470.61 (0.37; 0.99)
 Model B−0.5600.0330.57 (0.34; 0.95)
 Model C−0.5700.0540.57 (0.32; 1.01)
 Unadjusted0.6800.0041.97 (1.24; 3.14)
 Model A0.6790.0111.97 (1.17; 3.32)
 Model B0.6410.0151.90 (1.13; 3.19)
 Model C0.6630.0191.94 (1.12; 3.40)

BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); CI, confidence interval; fT3, free triiodothyronine; fT4, free thyroxine; OR, odds ratio(s); TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone. Model A was adjusted for age at examination and sex. Model B was adjusted for all parameters of model A plus birth weight -score and current BMI -score. Model C was adjusted for all parameters of model B plus maternal educational status and smoking during pregnancy. OR were calculated for former preterm infants in relation to same-aged children born at term. OR are reported as OR per SD increase. Input data were logarithmically transformed for analyses.