Research Article

Combined Detection of Preoperative Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and CEA as an Independent Prognostic Factor in Nonmetastatic Patients Undergoing Colorectal Cancer Resection Is Superior to NLR or CEA Alone

Table 4

Multivariate Cox regression survival analysis for all patients undergoing surgery ().

HR95% CI valueHR95% CI value

NLR (≥2.43 versus <2.43)2.5710.968–6.8320.0582.2291.012–4.9110.047
CEA (≥5 ng/mL versus <5 ng/mL)3.7131.396–9.8730.0093.6521.630–8.1790.002
COCN ()3.1061.576–6.1230.0013.1391.800–5.472<0.001
Tumor stage3.3840.972–11.7780.0552.4490.978–6.1310.056

NLR = neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; CEA = carcinoembryonic antigen; COCN = combination of CEA and NLR; HR = hazard ratio; OS = overall survival; DFS = disease-free survival.