Research Article

The Role of Serum Adiponectin for Outcome Prediction in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Advanced Heart Failure

Table 1

Baseline characteristics and treatment of patients.

ParameterValueTotal number of cases

SexM: 45 (78.95%)
F: 12 (21.05%)
NYHA class55
 I1 (1.81%)
 II5 (9.09%)
 III38 (69.09%)
 IV11 (20.01%)
iDCM30 (55.56%)55
Medications received
 ACE inhibitors31 (54%)57
 Diuretics and mineralocorticoids receptor blockers55 (96%)57
 ß-Blockers52 (91%)57
 Digitalis (in atrial fibrillation)18 (32%)57
 Anticoagulation (atrial fibrillation, EF < 40%)33 (58%)57
 Antiarrhythmic (class III: amiodarone)10 (18%)57

iDCM: inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy, ACE: angiotensin converting enzyme.