Research Article

Empirical Driven Automatic Detection of Lobulation Imaging Signs in Lung CT

Algorithm 1

Template matching based lobulation detection.
Input: Training data set
/ Obtain the templates /
Select typical lobulation ROIs at 8 different orientations (45 degree interval approximately)
for  each selected lobulation ROI
  for  length-width ratio   do
    Obtain templates by transforming lobulation ROI with length-width ratio
  for  scaling factor   do
    Obtain templates by zooming lobulation ROI with scaling factors
/ Lobulation detection /
for  each Sliding Step
  for  each template
    Compute the NCC matrix between and all Sliding Patches in target image;
    Find the max value in NCC, and record its location ;
  Sort recorded locations by the NCC value related to it;
  Label the ROI located at as lobulation region for current sliding step, ;
Output: Best-matched regions    for each sliding step