Research Article

Comorbidity, Pain, Utilization, and Psychosocial Outcomes in Older versus Younger Sickle Cell Adults: The PiSCES Project

Table 4

Psychosocial variables, HRQOL (unadjusted means and standard errors).

Transition group (ages 16–25)
Younger adults (ages 26–36)
Older adults (ages 37–64)
value for overall ANOVA

Somatic symptom score5.4 (0.5)7.3 (0.4)7.9 (0.4)<0.002
Coping (CSQ-SCD)
 Active2.6 (0.1)2.9 (0.1)3.0 (0.1)0.078
 Affective/emotional focused2.1 (0.2)2.6 (0.1)2.5 (0.1)0.058
 Passive/behavioral adherence3.6 (0.1)4.2 (0.1)4.0 (0.1)0.008
 PCS40.8 (1.3)34.0 (1.1)33.0 (0.9)<0.001
 MCS49.7 (1.5)45.5 (1.5)47.1 (1.1)0.102
Social support5.5 (0.2)5.5 (0.2)5.9 (0.1)0.112
Stress18.3 (1.34)21.1 (1.2)19.4 (1.0)0.263

Higher scores are better, except for the stress measure.
Multiple comparisons (Tukey): significant differences in unadjusted analyses, transition versus younger adults ; transition versus older adults ; younger versus older adults .
Coping is measured using the Coping Strategies Questionnaire-SCD (CSQ-SCD).
HRQOL = Health Related Quality of Life, Measured using MOS SF-36: PCS = physical summary score. MCS = mental summary score.