Research Article

Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Permanent Tooth Caries Susceptibility to Permanent Tooth Caries in Chinese Adolescent

Figure 1

LD analysis of SNPs in caries and caries-free group. LD plot of SNPs Taq I (rs731236), Apa I (rs7975232), Bsm I (rs1544410), and Fok I (rs10735810) in caries and caries-free group (a), caries-free group only (b), and caries group only (c). All these four SNPs showed strong recombination of each other (block in white) in both caries and caries-free group (a) and caries-free group only (b), while linkage of Taq I (rs731236) and Bsm I (rs1544410) reached a higher level (block in gray, ) in caries group only.