Research Article

Cervical Cancer Cell Line Secretome Highlights the Roles of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta-Induced Protein ig-h3, Peroxiredoxin-2, and NRF2 on Cervical Carcinogenesis

Figure 4

Representation of transcription factors (TFs) predicted to regulate genes based on differentially expressed proteins, according to IPA®. (a) The action of MYC and (b) MYCN shown as orange ellipse is predicted to be activated, whereas (c) T53, shown as blue ellipse, is predicted to be inhibited. Upregulated genes are colored in different shades of light pink to red, with darker color indicating higher degree of upregulation. Similarly, downregulated genes are shown in light to dark green, the latter indicating a higher degree of downregulation. The orange color of the arrows indicates activation, whereas the blue color indicates inhibition. HSPA1A and HSPA1B genes correspond to the protein: Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A/1B.